Please join us for our Sunday morning in-person worship services at 9:15am. For those that prefer to view our Live Video services, you can do that by viewing on our Facebook page or the Live Video window below on this Home Page at 9:15-9:16am. Please see the calendar below for dates and times, and info on Special Services.
We usually have a wonderful coffee/fellowship hour after the service in the basement. It's a great time to have some snacks, tea or coffee, and fellowship with one another!
We are a diverse congregation seeking the unity of Christ through worship, fellowship and servant-hood.
Please bring a food donation for Project Share if you can. A bin will be at the church entrance.
Dear Friends of Good Shepherd, we want to thank all of you that continue to support our church and pastor through prayer, tithing and worship. Your support helps us to continue to spread the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ. If Anyone would like to make a monetary donation, you can do that through our website. There is a red DONATE NOW button that allows you to make a donation to our church through Canada Helps. You can print an immediate receipt for your donation. There is also a Donate page in the dropdown bar for other ways to donate to our church. Let us pray that God's Peace & the Light of Jesus is felt and seen by everyone in 2024.
Time After Pentecost
The Time After Pentecost, or Ordinary Time (from “ordinal” which means that the Sundays are ‘ordered’ - counted, numbered as opposed to plain and ordinary) is the longest season in the liturgical year. The seasonal colour is green except for some festivals. After celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost as recounted in Acts, the scripture in the Gospel readings from Mark focuses on Jesus’ actions and the themes of faith, trust and service. In Mark, Jesus’ message to his disciples was to tell no one he was the Messiah, known as the “Messianic Secret”. The disciples did not recognize it until His death on the cross, although all the signs were there. However, if each passage is looked at closely, the symbolism shows the fulfilment of prophecy and a message that God is in control and will act decisively to save God’s people as this was all planned. The readings include parallel themes from the Old Testament as well as the story of David. The season is a time for spiritual growth and living the life of Christ. It begins with Trinity Sunday and continues through Reformation Sunday and All Saints Sunday to its culmination in Christ the King Sunday. Then the liturgical year begins again with Advent.